

In Petrochemistry, separation is the first step in creating new bonds. It results in basic chemicals which are used to make many other products in the chemical industry. From the heart of the BASF Verbund, we feed the value-adding chain for a number of intermediates and end products. When separation produces new bonds, it’s because at DMC GLOBAL, we create chemistry.


In Petrochemistry, separation is the first step in creating new bonds. It results in basic chemicals which are used to make many other products in the chemical industry.


Industrial Gases

Industrial gases are volatile substances that must be handled with great care and caution. When producing these gases in our world-scale plants, we ensure that safety is the top priority.

Alcohols and Solvents

DMC GLOBAL is one of the world's leading manufacturers of oxygenated solvents and alcohols. Whether they're being used within a reaction or as process chemicals, solvents can be used in many different ways.


In a wide variety of applications, DMC GLOBAL's plasticizers help make numerous products flexible.


We transform these raw materials so they can be used for a wide range of products. With our expertise in operating highly-complex steam crackers, we are a global leader. When fossils liven up modern society, it’s because at DMC Global, we create chemistry.

Chemical News

Oman’s refineries, petrochemical units output rises 6.6%

Oman’s refineries, petrochemical units output rises 6.6%

The production of regular gasoline (91) witnessed...

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Petronet looks to make foray into petrochemical business, ...

Petronet looks to make foray into petrochemical business, ...

In terms of volume, the petrochemical market in In...

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